Auto accidents are, unfortunately, more common during the holidays than just about any other time of year. All too often, these accidents are the result of issues that might have been avoided if only the driver who caused the accident took proper care. Here are five preventable problems that may cause auto accidents this winter:

  1. Fatigued driving
    • One major problem that often contributes to auto accidents is drivers who get behind the wheel while suffering from exhaustion. Often, these are drivers who are suffering from sleep deprivation, as well as those (like many truck drivers) who drive for an extended period of time without breaks. The less rest someone has, the more likely they are to be in an accident.
  2. Distracted driving
    • The term “distracted driving” is sometimes seen as synonymous with texting and driving, which is a serious problem that causes many auto accidents. However, just about any behavior that distracts a driver from the road can potentially contribute to an accident. This includes eating, drinking, grooming, reading, changing the radio, programming a GPS, or even dealing with noisy children.
  3. Reckless driving
    • One of the most common issues seen in motor vehicle accidents of all types is drivers engaged in reckless or aggressive driving habits. These include common issues like speeding, failing to signal, or running a red light, as well as more dangerous behaviors like tailgating or brake checking. These types of issues are responsible for a massive number of auto accidents, with speeding alone cited as a factor in about a third of all accidents.
  4. Driving under the influence (DUI)
    • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (commonly known as a DUI) is not merely dangerous, it is illegal. Nevertheless, a shocking number of drivers will get behind the wheel while intoxicated from alcohol, marijuana, or other mind-altering substances. The results can be catastrophic, with a disturbing number of auto accidents every year attributed to drunk driving.
  5. Poorly maintained vehicles
    • Proper maintenance is critical for ensuring a vehicle responds properly in the event of an emergency situation. Unfortunately, many people do not keep their vehicle up to date with necessary servicing, such as performing oil changes or replacing worn-down brake pads. This can result in a vehicle responding poorly if it needs to suddenly stop or maneuver, and may even cause a sudden, catastrophic mechanical failure if it is in bad enough shape.

The personal injury attorneys at David J. Lorber & Associates, PLLC will work with you to help you get justice for you or your loved ones who were hurt by someone else’s negligence. For comprehensive personal injury law services in New York, call David J. Lorber & Associates, PLLC at (631) 750-0900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation at our Setauket office. 

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