Premises liability is the area of personal injury law that deals with accidents that occur in and around buildings. However, you do not need to be inside a building to potentially be harmed by someone else’s negligence. Here are five premises liability accidents that can potentially occur outside a home or business:

  1. Falling on slippery ground
    • Property owners have a responsibility to ensure that any exterior part of their property is safe to walk on, the same as with the interior. This means, for example, ensuring that the entrance is clear of snow and ice, and maintaining their parking lot. Failure to do so could result in premises liability accidents due to people slipping or tripping and falling.
  2. Falling due to defective stairs
    • Many buildings have stairs that people must climb to enter the building or access higher floors. Just like any other part of the building, these stairs can degrade over time if not properly maintained. If the property owner fails to perform regular maintenance on their stairs, including their handrails, they increase the risk of premises liability accidents.
  3. Being injured by falling debris
    • The danger from a poorly maintained building can come from above as well as below. A crumbling facade may drop dangerous debris on passers-by, while construction accidents can cause tools and materials to drop down without warning. The winter also comes with the risk of falling icicles, which can cause serious injuries if they fall on someone.
  4. Being the victim of a crime
    • In addition to more conventional kinds of injuries, property owners are responsible if someone is injured due to a foreseeable crime that occurs on their premises. While not all crimes are preventable, they are supposed to take reasonable measures like installing cameras or hiring guards to discourage criminals. Failure to do so could result in them being harmed due to preventable crime.
  5. Being attacked by a dog or other pet
    • Pet owners are responsible for ensuring their dogs or other pets do not attack someone else unprovoked. However, if they fail to properly train or socialize their pets, they may be hostile towards strangers or other animals. If this happens, there is a risk they may bite the offender, which can have terrible consequences.

The personal injury attorneys at David J. Lorber & Associates, PLLC will work with you to help you get justice for you or your loved ones who were hurt by someone else’s negligence. For comprehensive personal injury law services in New York, call David J. Lorber & Associates, PLLC at (631) 750-0900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation at our Setauket office. 

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