How Does a Power of Attorney Help You?

For people who are in the process of planning their estate, they may consider the importance of advance directives such as the power of attorney. When implemented correctly, it can be an essential tool to protect your personal interests if you ever become unable to...

When Was the Last Time You Updated Your Estate Plan?

Some people are under the misconception that once you have created an estate plan, your job is done and you can just go about your business normally. Unfortunately, an estate plan can become seriously out of date, potentially leading to legal issues for you or your...

Do You Have a Healthcare Proxy Ready for an Emergency?

If you are getting older, or have a serious medical condition, it is extremely important to have a plan in place in the event that you become unable to care for yourself. Any estate plan that deals with the risk of incapacity should have a complete set of advance...

Five Estate Planning Issues You May Not Have Considered

When it comes to estate planning, it can be difficult to keep track of everything, even if you do not have a complex estate to manage. It is easy for certain issues to be overlooked, or for certain problems to go unaddressed in your estate plan, potentially causing...
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