What Might Happen if You Don’t Have a Healthcare Proxy?

For most people, a healthcare proxy can be an important and effective component of a comprehensive estate plan. However, not everyone takes the time to make sure they have a healthcare proxy or other important advance directives. But what might happen if you don’t...

Five Reasons to Review Your Estate Plan

If you are getting older and already have an estate plan in place, you may think you are prepared for whatever is coming. However, depending on your circumstances, it may be time to review your estate plan to ensure it does everything you need (or want) it to do. Here...

Five Mistakes People Make When Planning Their Estates

The process of estate planning can be complicated at the best of times, and that complexity can lead to some serious potential problems. If you are not careful, you can cause legal and financial problems for you and your loved ones that may need to be sorted out long...
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